zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

Slovinské předsednictví Rady EU: Lesní biodiverzita: Výzvy a možnosti zmírňování změn klimatu a adaptací na ně

Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers - Presidency conclusions.

1. Forest habitats and biodiversity are key to the functioning of the biosphere and forests play a crucial role in stabilizing the Earth's climate as important carbon sinks, in the mitigation of desertification and in the provision of essential services, such as the prevention of soil erosion, water and local weather regulation; forests are multifunctional;

2. Climate change impacts on forests in many ways, such as through changes in productivity, increases in water or biodiversity stress, desertification processes, storm and fire risks. Forest fires, floods and storms seriously affect Europe, causing losses of human life and property, as well as environmental damage; climate change therefore presents a major
challenge to long term sustainability of forests;

3. This challenge calls inter alia for the development and implementation of projects concerning the adaptation of forest to climate change. In this respect the implementation of Natura 2000 is an important tool.

4. Healthy and sustainably managed forests can represent a valuable opportunity for mitigation in the fight against, and adaptation to climate change through the provision of vital environmental services as well as, under certain conditions or criteria, renewable energy and materials.

5. Deforestation is a major international issue given not least its importance for climate change as recognised at Bali for the post-Kyoto period and the EU should be ready to contribute to finding an approach towards its successful resolution.

6. In the EU’s efforts towards achieving ambitious targets for the share of renewable energies and in particular bio energy, the rate of utilisation of forests is likely to rise significantly;

7. There is, therefore, a significant challenge to ensure that forests are used wisely as a source of biomass, including as appropriate as a sustainable source of second generation biofuels, without compromising their multifunctionality by sacrificing their long-term ecological and socio-economic stability and environmental objectives, including the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity or the contribution of forests, in the fight against climate change and desertification;

8. In order to ensure sustainable forest use in Europe and to retain the multifunctional role of forests, better information is required on additional production potential without compromising their key environmental role, taking into account the constraints that may result from adaptation of forests to climate change;

9. When forest biomass is used as feedstock, the choice between different bio-energy applications should be based on efficiency in energy output and best greenhouse gas reduction potential.

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