Tom Zoete "> Britské volby: historické vítězství pro Stranu zelených -
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European Greens: Britské volby: historické vítězství pro Stranu zelených

5. července 2024 | European Greens
Autor: Tom Zoete
The European Green Party congratulates the Green Party of England and Wales on quadrupling its seats to a historic record of four MPs, their best ever general election result.

With more than 1,9 million votes, The Green Party almost tripled their share of the vote to 6,8%. Under the slogan 'Real Hope. Real change", the Greens won as many seats in rural areas as in the cities. In May, the Greens also broke their own record in the local elections, with more councillors than ever before in their 50-year history.

Thomas Waitz, co-chair of the European Green Party, said: "The result of The Green Party is impressive. We are also delighted that after 14 years of Tory rule which has taken the UK out of the European Union, we can finally count on a more progressive UK, including a much stronger Green presence of four MPs who will hold the government to account. We still believe that the UK's path is to rejoin the EU in the long term and we will work with our partners to make this possible.”

Mélanie Vogel, co-chair of the European Green Party, adds: "The huge progressive majority and the strong results of the UK Greens send a powerful message of hope across the Channel to the millions of progressives and Greens in France.

With their votes, the British people showed that the hard-right government had a hard impact on their everyday lives in terms of health services, clean water, and housing.

The French as much as the Brits want change, and positive action on the public services and the environment. In France, the progressives and Greens joined forces in the Nouveau Front Populaire to prevent the far-right from taking power this Sunday. The UK election outcome demonstrates that if you go out to vote, you can steer your country in a progressive, social and green direction."

The Green Party of England and Wales is a full member party of the European Green Party, who unites all Green parties in Europe.
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