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Klub ELS-ED v EP: Evropský parlament chce ekoznačku pro rybářské produkty

8. září 2006 | Klub ELS-ED v EP
The European Parliament approved today at its plenary session a report by Spanish EPP-ED MEP, Carmen Fraga, calling for an eco-labelling scheme for fisheries products in the EU. The use of a single eco-labelling system will increase the confidence amongst consumers and help to guarantee the sustainability of fishing stocks.

Carmen Fraga stressed the fact that the discussions concerning a Community eco-labelling scheme for fisheries products started in the nineties. She considers that this delay on the part of the Commission in coming forward with a communication on this matter has allowed privately initiated eco-labels to proliferate. These labels are often simply used as means to increase sales, confusing consumers and not guaranteeing that the products actually contribute to sustainability.

"The possibility of increasing the products prices just by saying that they are ecological without having to prove it, opens the way to fraud", said the EPP-ED´s spokeswoman in the European Parliament's Fisheries Committee.

Fraga pointed out that the former Fisheries Commissioner, Franz Fischler, qualified the European eco-labelling as one of the "pressing matters" of the European fisheries sector during his mandate. He admitted not being able to put forward specific rules on this matter "due to constant pressures from different sectors". Therefore, Fraga urged the European Commission "to tackle this issue as a mater of urgency, as some actors are already profiting of this lack of rules in their own advantage".

The report asks the European Commission to draw up a communication within six months, detailing the minimum requirements and guidelines with which a Community eco-labelling scheme for fisheries products must comply. The European Parliament underlines the fact that either one single or several different systems can be settled but they have all to be based on the same fundamental principles and requirements and these can only be established by the EU. The scheme has to be voluntary, transparent in everyway, ensure the independence of the accreditation and certification bodies and guarantee the chain of custody for the product, from fishing vessel to final consumer.

The scheme has to be consisted with the existing FAO Code of Conduct, as well as with the UN and WTO resolutions as "the system has to be non-discriminatory, not posing obstacles to trade, particularly as regards developing countries, and help to combat illegal practices by inhibiting the presence of such products in the markets", said Fraga.

Carmen Fraga´s report underlines that the system to be established should ensure, independently of its specific characteristics, an easy comprehension by consumers, as well as the sustainability of fishing stocks.

Further information:
Carmen Fraga MEP, Tel. +33 3 88175239
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