zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

Evropská komise: Projev předsedkyně Evropské komise von der Leyen u příležitosti COP25 v Madridu

2. prosince 2019 | Evropská komise
In ten days from now, the European Commission will present the European Green Deal. Our goal is to be the first climate neutral continent by 2050. If we want to achieve that goal, we have to act now, we have to implement our policies now. Because we know that this transition needs a generational change.

Three thoughts.

The European Green Deal is Europe's new growth strategy. It will cut emissions while also creating jobs and improving our quality of life. For that we need investment! Investment in research, innovation, green technologies. To pull this off, we will deliver a Sustainable Europe Investment Plan – which will support one trillion euros of investment over the next decade.

Second thought. Only what gets measured gets done. Therefore, in March next year, we will propose the first-ever European Climate Law to make the transition to climate neutrality irreversible. This will include extending emission trading to all relevant sectors, clean, affordable and secure energy, the boosting of the circular economy, a farm to fork strategy as well as a biodiversity strategy. The European Green Deal will open new opportunities in all sectors – from transport to taxation, from food to farming, from industry to infrastructure.

Third thought. This transition must work for all or it will not work at all. And with a Just Transition Fund we will make sure that we help those who will have to take a bigger step, and leave no one behind. The Fund will leverage public and private money, including with the help of the European Investment Bank that has committed itself to become Europe's Climate Bank.

We Europeans are ready. If we move together, we will also move faster, in everyone's interest. We will be as ambitious as we can throughout these COP negotiations. We are ready to contribute with our European Deal to a Global Green Deal.

Thank you.

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