Alice Costa "> USA pomáhají lovcům garnátů v Mozambiku lovit ohleduplněji k želvám -
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WWF: USA pomáhají lovcům garnátů v Mozambiku lovit ohleduplněji k želvám

19. srpna 2004 | WWF
Autor: Alice Costa, tel: +258 148 3121
A delegation from the US Department of State and the US National Marine Fisheries Service of the Department of Commerce visited Mozambique this month with a view to assist the introduction of TEDs (Turtle Excluder Devices) in the nets of shrimp trawlers.

In accordance with Mozambique's new General Regulations for Sea Fisheries approved in 2003, TEDs will be compulsory in all trawl nets used by motor boats from January 2005. The TEDs will not only protect endangered marine turtles, which are accidentaly caught and killed during trawling operations, but will also allow Mozambican producers to enter the US market, which requires shrimp exporters to be certified as TED users.

“There is a very good outlook for Mozambique to be certified as of May next year, i.e. in 2005. For that purpose, we are willing to visit the country around that time and to work with local institutions,” said James Story from the US Department of State. He mentioned that there are favourable conditions for the fulfilment of the law. “However, there is still a lot of work to be done and experimental fishing with TEDs should start as soon as possible before January 2005,” he added.

WWF congratulated the government, in particular the fisheries sector, for creating the new legislation and the will shown to see it implemented.

“This move demonstrated that the government is facing the future with seriousness and wants to protect the shrimp fishing industry," said Helena Motta, WWF's representative in Mozambique. "This deserves total support and WWF is deeply grateful that the US Department of State has made people and resources available to visit the country and speak with fishermen, bringing experts to better assist them. Success in introducing TEDs depends on the fishermen and on the support that we all give to the government of Mozambique."

WWF assisted in initial trials to introduce TEDs in 2002. According to this study, between 1,500 and 5,000 marine turtles — mainly green turtles (Chelonia mydas) — die each year as shrimp fishing bycatch. The situation is particularly bad in the Sofala area.

The introduction of TEDs into shrimp trawling nets in Mozambique combines the demands of a promising market, the US, with Mozambique's responsibility to protect endangered marine turtles.

During its visit, the US delegation met with the Ministry of Fisheries, the private sector involved with shrimp fisheries, and WWF.
Alice Costa, tel: 258 148 3121
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