zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

Klub ELS-ED v EP: Fluorované plyny: Dosažení dohody o legislativě o redukci emisí skleníkových plynů

1. února 2006 | Klub ELS-ED v EP, tel: +32-475-75 22 53
Avril Doyle MEP says balance struck between environmental protection and the promotion of the single market.

After a five hour conciliation meeting on the night of Tuesday, 31 January, the European Parliament and Council came to an agreement on two pieces of legislation relating to greenhouse gas emission reductions: a regulation on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases, and a directive on mobile air conditioning in cars.

Speaking after the agreement, Irish MEP Avril Doyle (EPP-ED), author of the two reports welcomed the result of conciliation:

"This legislation strikes a balance between environmental protection and the promotion of the single market. It reaffirms the European Community's commitment to reducing climate change through the containment and restriction of use of fluorinated greenhouse gases, which are listed as harmful under the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

"Importantly, Member States which currently have progressive legislation on fluorinated greenhouse gases have not been forced to lower their environmental standards. This sends a strong signal to Member States that they will be given every encouragement from the European Institutions to meet their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol.

"We have provided for as much legal certainty as the dual single market/environment legal base will allow."

Fluorinated gases were introduced in the 90s to replace the ozone-depleting CFCs and HCFCs before scientists realised just how damaging they were in contributing to global warming. They are used in all sorts of applications: in insulating foams in aerosols, in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, in fire protection equipment and even in the soles of 'air' technology jogging shoes.
, tel: 32-475-75 22 53
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