Helen Fisher "> OECD říká, že čisté životní prostředí je pro ČR výhodné i ekonomicky - Ekolist.cz
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OECD: OECD říká, že čisté životní prostředí je pro ČR výhodné i ekonomicky

6. října 2005 | OECD
Autor: Helen Fisher, tel: +33 145 248 097
A new OECD report on the Czech Republic’s environmental performance notes that despite some recent progress, the country is one of the biggest polluters and least efficient users of energy in the OECD. Since 1998, public and private spending on environmental problems has been drastically reduced and much progress is needed to achieve the economic and health benefits of a clean environment.

To assist the Czech Republic as it strives to meet European Union environmental standards, the OECD recommends that the government increases efforts to implement its environmental policies; expands the infrastructure dealing with waste and waste water; further integrates environmental concerns into social and economic decisions; and reinforces international co-operation on environmental issues.

Mr. Libor AMBROZEK, Minister of the Environment, and Mr. Kiyotaka AKASAKA, Deputy Secretary General, OECD, will release the OECD’s Environmental Review of the Czech Republic at 12:00 on 11 October in the Prague Town Hall during a press conference and seminar organised by the Czech authorities.

The report makes 53 specific recommendations, including:
* proceeding with a green tax reform
* further improving energy and material intensities, in the context of increasing related world prices
* further reducing air pollution, to capture health and related economic benefits
* moving towards a “circular” economy, by reducing, recycling and reusing waste
* investing in water related infrastructure, including with EU support
* adopting and implementing a biodiversity strategy
* further strengthening international environmental co-operation (e.g. greenhouse gases, endangered species, development assistance)

The report also recognises the Czech Republic’s environmental achievements aimed at meeting health, economic, ecological and international concerns, including:
* efforts to cope with large flood damage
* consolidation of environmental progress (e.g. sulphur emissions)
* transposition of EU environment directives
* use of a range of economic instruments and progress in implementing the polluter pays and user pays principles
* adoption of a national sustainable development strategy, and related monitoring of progress

This publication is part of the OECD’s regular series of Environmental Performance Reviews of OECD member countries. To obtain a copy of the report, journalists are invited to e-mail: news.contact@oecd.org or contact Helen Fisher in OECD Media-relations at Helen.fisher@oecd.org or phone: (33 1) 45 24 80 97, to find out more about the Press Conference and the publication.

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