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ELS-ED: Silnější, bezpečnější a konkurenceschopnější Evropa - politické priority ELS-ED pro Barrosovu Komisi

9. prosince 2004 | ELS-ED, tel: +324 754 933 56
The EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament has set out its main political priorities for the next five years of the Barroso Commission. The European Parliament will vote on the new Commission's strategic political orientations at next week's Plenary Session of Parliament in Strasbourg.

"Our priorities are based on our commitment to making Europe a better place to live and work. We want to increase Europe's competitiveness to generate jobs and prosperity. We want to improve the security of Europe's citizens. We want to make Europe a stronger force in building a safer and more prosperous world," declared József Szájer, EPP-ED Group Vice-Chairman responsible for drafting the EPP-ED Group resolution tabled today in the European Parliament.

In the resolution, the EPP-ED Group argues that the EU should commit itself to:
* making Europe more competitive and prosperous through economic reform;
* offering greater security for the citizen by fighting terrorism and crime;
* building a stronger Europe in a safer world by using the EU's power to project stability, advancing democracy and human rights, and encouraging development;
* improving Europe's quality of life through greater personal freedom, a cleaner environment and a healthier society;
*and making Europe work better - and bringing Europe closer to the citizen – by creating a more open, responsive and democratic Union.

On this basis, the EPP-ED Group text says that: "the central objectives of the 2004-09 European Commission should be: i) to increase the competitiveness and dynamism of Europe’s economy, ii) to ensure the cohesion and consolidation of Europe, underpinned by the success of enlargement, iii) to improve the security of Europe’s citizens and overcome the threat of terrorism, and iv) to make Europe a stronger and more effective force in building a safer and more prosperous world".

In pursuing these four key priorities over the next five years, the Barroso Commission should be guided by the following principles:
* consolidating the European Union as a more cohesive and coherent entity, with a greater sense of unity and common purpose among its Member States;
* treating all Member States as equal partners in the creation of a Europe which can be united, whole and free;
* maintaining a healthy respect for the languages, nations and regions which constitute vital building-blocks of Europe, as well as for notions of identity and religious heritage; and
* protecting and promoting cultural diversity in Europe, whilst celebrating our common cultural heritage.

"The Barroso Commission was approved by a very broad majority in the European Parliament on 18 November last. We will now seek equally broad support for the strategic political priorities that will guide the Commission for the next five years", declared Hans-Gert Poettering, Chairman of the EPP-ED Group.
, tel: 324 754 933 56
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