Jerrel Pinas "> V Guyaně byl certifikován největší tropický prales se značkou FSC na světě -
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WWF: V Guyaně byl certifikován největší tropický prales se značkou FSC na světě

27. března 2006 | WWF
Autor: Jerrel Pinas
In a record-setting accomplishment for tropical forest conservation in South America, a timber company has annouced that 570,000ha of its forests in Guyana will be certified after meeting the rigorous environmental, social, and economic standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

With technical and financial support from WWF, the tracts of forests owned by the Barama Company Ltd become the largest tropical natural forest certified by FSC in the world.

“With this milestone, Barama not only serves as a catalyst for improved forest management systems in the Guianas but also ensures that the fragile tropical ecosystem is effectively and efficiently utilized by the company so that the national patrimony is protected for the benefit of present and future generations,” said Dr Patrick Williams, a programme officer with WWF Guyana.

Support from WWF included training forestry staff in reduced impact logging practices, improving factory safety operations, and reviewing the company’s performance against the rigorous standards set by the FSC.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an independent, non-profit organization that provides standard setting, trademark assurance and accreditation services to companies and organizations interested in responsible forestry. Founded in 1993 by a diverse group of stakeholders, including WWF, FSC’s mission is to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.

“The FSC certification enables Barama not only to retain access to its current markets in the United States, but it opens the door to new buyers in Europe and North America that demand forest products from well managed forests," said Girwar Lalaram, Barama’s General Manager. "At the same time, it guarantees that Barama will continue fulfilling its social and economic responsibilities to the Guyanese nation.”

In a country with high unemployment rates, Barama employs at least 1,500 people, benefiting some 5,000 family members. Before certification, the company was in danger of down-sizing its operations and reducing its employment levels. Today, Barama’s expansion plan forecasts increasing employment in the area.

“This is very important for Guyana and for the wider area," said Guyana’s Forests Commissioner James Singh. "It’s a good example of how good social and environmental practices can improve business as a whole. We hope that Barama’s certification serves as an impetus for other companies to follow and also for the development of the national standards embarked upon by the Guyana National Initiative for Forest Certification.”

According to WWF, this has been a win-win situation for the Barama Company and for the local people. While the forest company strengthened its relations with current buyers by seeking forest certification, employees benefit from a better work environment. For instance, people working on the concession are allowed to establish their own team of workers. In addition, Barama provides social services for communities around the concession such as health services, medicines, transportation in an out of remote areas and emergency assistance.

The Barama Company certified concession is located in the west-central portion of Guyana, in the northern outer limits of the Amazon forest in the Guiana Shield, occupying primarily the Cuyuni River Basin. The company has been in operation for over 15 years. Its main product has been plywood for export markets in the US and the Caribbean.


• WWF has been present in the Guianas — Suriname, Guyana and French Guyana — since 1998, focusing its conservation work on sustainable forest management, goldmining pollution abatement, protected areas management, species management, and regional integration, coordination and networking. In particular, WWF works in the Guianan Ecoregion Complex — part of WWF’s Global 200 campaign to conserve critical ecoregions worldwide. The Guianas ecoregion is characterized by vast areas of pristine and undisturbed tropical rainforests, mountain ranges and savannas and extremely high levels of endemism.

• Support for Barama's certification efforts was made possible through funding from the Dutch government (DGIS), French government (FFEM) and WWF.

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