zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

Klub ELS-ED v EP: Vítáme dohodu Rady EU o rozvoji venkova

21. června 2005 | Klub ELS-ED v EP, tel: +32 757 900 21
"The political agreement in yesterday's Agriculture Council on the future of the rural development policy shows clearly that the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU is working and functioning. The results also underlines the very good working relationship between Commission, Council and European Parliament in this area", said today EPP-ED MEP Agnes Schierhuber (A), Parliament's rapporteur on the future of the rural development. "I am very pleased to see that the clear political signal sent out by Parliament to the Council has arrived and is mirrored in yesterday's agreement", added Schierhuber.

The Council meeting in Luxembourg decided yesterday to give Member States more subsidiarity rights in implementing the rural development policy as called for by Parliament. The positive result for Europe's farmers is seen most clearly in the agreement on the Community's minimum financial contribution to each of the three objectives: At least 10% of the Fund’s total contribution to the programme shall cover the support for more competitiveness (priority axis I), whereas 25% of the Fund’s total contribution shall cover environment and land management (priority axis II). Finally, 10% of the Fund’s total contribution shall cover the priority axis III, which is the diversification of the rural economy. The Commission proposal (15/25/15) has thus been reduced, but the Council agreement is close to Parliament's demand of 10/20/8.

An equally important success for the rapporteur was the Council's adoption of her amendment to call for a study by the Commission - as demanded by the European Court of Auditors - to define the concept of less-favoured areas. Until then, the current status quo will be maintained until 2010.

Schierhuber nevertheless calls for an increase in funds for the rural development policy to cover the additional expenses as regards the Natura 2000 programme: "Especially with a view to the ongoing debate concerning the future financing of the Union it is more important than ever before to secure the future of the rural areas", underlined Schierhuber.

"Agriculture is the only policy area of the Union where extensive reforms have been adopted and implemented since 1992. I would be happy to see such a readiness for reform also in other policy areas. With the basic agreement adopted yesterday the future of the European farmers, but more important the future of the whole rural area has been secured. I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Luxembourg Council presidency, who has undertaken huge efforts to reach this positive agreement, thus strengthening and further developing the European agricultural model", concluded Schierhuber.
, tel: 32 757 900 21

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