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Earth Day Network: Earth Day Network slaví 35. výročí Dne Země

18. dubna 2005 | Earth Day Network
Campaign With Starbucks Encourages Environmental Awareness

Earth Day Network (EDN) and Starbucks Coffee Company (Nasdaq: SBUX) are joining together to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Earth Day in the United States. This is the fourth year in a row that the two have worked together to encourage citizens to make environmentally-positive decisions in their daily lives.

Throughout the month of April leading up to Earth Day on April 22, 2005, Starbucks is featuring different environmental messages on their coffee cup sleeves. The messages, developed by Earth Day Network and Starbucks, encourage customers to protect the environment by making environmentally-friendly choices each day. With more than 4,500 Company-operated stores throughout the United States, Starbucks offers a broad reach for communicating environmental messages.

"Earth Day Network is proud to have Starbucks join us to celebrate Earth Day this year," said Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network. "Thanks to their creativity and commitment, we are able to reach millions of people in this country with messages that encourage all of us to take actions that help protect and sustain the world around us. Starbucks leadership and commitment to environmental stewardship is a model for all corporate citizens and consumers, and is an integral part of our success."

Cup sleeve messaging includes ideas about how to create an organic garden, ways to reduce waste, ideas on how to reduce the amount of energy we consume, and some new ideas about the importance of recycled goods.

"As an environmental leader, Starbucks is proud to support Earth Day Network's efforts to promote environmental stewardship," said Ben Packard, director of Environmental Affairs for Starbucks. "Our goal is to minimize our environmental footprint on the planet and help to ensure a healthy environment for future generations."

The cup sleeve messaging is a component of Starbucks ongoing support of Earth Day Network's "Campaign for Communities," which creates alliances between organizations representing people of color and low income communities.


Earth Day Network was founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970, Earth Day Network promotes environmental citizenship and year round progressive action worldwide. Our mission is to build broad-based citizen support for sound, workable and effective environmental and sustainable development policies. Earth Day Network is a driving force steering environmental awareness around the world with a global network that reaches more than 12,000 organizations in 174 countries. As a result, Earth Day is the celebrated by more than a half billion people every year.
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