zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

Klub ELS-ED v EP: Rozvoj venkova: Evropský parlament schválil McGuinessovu zprávu o budoucnosti rozvoje venkova

16. února 2006 | Klub ELS-ED v EP, tel: +32 475 752 253
The European Parliament has voted in favour of the report by Irish MEP Mairead McGuinness EPP-ED on the future of rural development.

The report provides guidelines to enable member states to develop specific rural development programmes and the debate was timely as it provided an opportunity for the Parliament to give its view on future rural development strategy.

It report also stresses the need for continuing support for modernisation and innovation in agriculture and the food chain.

“While the Lisbon strategy emphasis growth and employment this report stresses the importance of not just creating jobs in rural areas, but on putting in place measures to retain and maintain existing jobs,” said Mairead McGuinness.

McGuinness warned, however, about the future funding of rural development beyond 2006.

“I have huge concerns about the Heads of State agreement brokered by British Prime Minister Tony Blair and in particular where it relates to rural development.

“The deal provides for voluntary modulation of 20% of all direct aid and market expenditure. The warm words spoken about rural development are not matched by any real commitment to fund rural development.

“The Council agreement represents a cut of almost €20 billion in rural development funding when compared with the Commission proposal.

“Funding for Romania and Bulgaria from the existing financial ceiling is impossible without cuts being imposed on the direct aids paid to farmers in the EU 15 countries,” she said.
, tel: 32 475 752 253
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