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PAN Parks: Rys poprvé vyfotografován v Borjomi
18. února 2011 | PAN Parks
Camera traps installed in Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park in Georgia took picture of a lynx for the first time. Until now the park could monitor this species based on its traces in the park’s forests. Check out the first image of a lynx from the Georgian PAN Park!
The park has been using its camera traps for monitoring purposes for a year and they have already provided great shots of other species such as wolf, brown bear, red deer, however, this is the first time they captured an image of a lynx. At the moment the estimated number of individuals of Eurasian lynx is 19 in the park.
The Georgian PAN Park is home to diverse wildlife including not only lynx but brown bear, wolf, red deer and chamois and golden eagle thanks to an immense area of wilderness within the park. Borjomi-Kharagauli has more than 50,000 ha of untouched nature which forms 59% of its total area.
The park has been using its camera traps for monitoring purposes for a year and they have already provided great shots of other species such as wolf, brown bear, red deer, however, this is the first time they captured an image of a lynx. At the moment the estimated number of individuals of Eurasian lynx is 19 in the park.
The Georgian PAN Park is home to diverse wildlife including not only lynx but brown bear, wolf, red deer and chamois and golden eagle thanks to an immense area of wilderness within the park. Borjomi-Kharagauli has more than 50,000 ha of untouched nature which forms 59% of its total area.
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