zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

International Whaling Commission: Tisková zpráva - Den první - 16. červen

Proceedings began on the first day with an opening ceremony organised by Dr Hermia Morton-Anthony, Chair of the local organising committee. The Ceremony included music, prayers, poetry and speeches of welcome from the Chair of the Commission, Henrik Fisher from Denmark and the Honourable Dr Timothy Harris, Minister of Foreign Affairs for St Kitts and Nevis. There are four new members to the Commission bringing the total to 70, of which 66 are present.

On the opening morning, the main items were business item and the adoption of the Agenda. Japan had requested deletion of one of the items related to small cetaceans, that referring to Commission discussions of the report of the Scientific Committee on that item. After some discussion, the matter was put to the vote and the proposal to delete the item was defeated by 32 votes to 30 with 1 abstention.

As in previous years, the Commission considered whether to include an option for secret ballots as part of its Rules of Procedure. A proposal to this end was defeated by 33 votes to 30 with 1 abstention.

Finally, the Commission was pleased to accept Chile’s offer to host the 2008 Annual Meeting.

In the afternoon, the Commission turned to the report of the Scientific Committee on the status of a number of large whale stocks. New information was received on Antarctic minke whales, North Pacific common minke whales, Southern Hemisphere humpback whales, Southern Hemisphere blue whales and a number of other small stocks of bowhead, right and gray whales. There was some positive evidence of increases in abundance for several of the stocks of humpback, blue and right whales in the Southern Hemisphere, although they remain at reduced levels compared to their pre-whaling numbers. Information remains lacking for other stocks.

Special attention was paid to the status of the endangered western North Pacific gray whale, whose feeding grounds coincide with oil and gas operations off Sakhalin Island, Russian Federation. The population numbers only about 122 animals and although there is evidence that it has been increasing at perhaps 3% per year over the last decade, any additional deaths, for example in fishing gear as has recently occurred, put the survival of the population in doubt.

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