zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

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Evropská komise: Týden pro zvýšení povědomí o udržitelné městské mobilitě

16. září 2024 | Evropská komise
This week, we get things moving by celebrating European Mobility Week. This is the European Commission’s annual flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility, which takes place every year from 16-22 September. It culminates on Sunday with the popular car-free day in participating towns and cities.

Over 70% of EU citizens live in urban areas, generating 23% of all transport greenhouse gas emissions. Through the campaign, the Commission aims to encourage behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport and other clean, intelligent transport solutions.

There are many different ways to get involved. Local authorities are encouraged to use the week to try out innovative planning measures, promote new infrastructure and technologies, measure air quality, and get feedback from the public. Businesses, civil society organisations, educational institutions and municipalities are invited to take part in mobility actions. Mobility awards recognise the leading efforts in both of these areas.

Each year has a different theme and this year it is ‘shared public space’ and the benefits they bring to society. In 2024, more than 1,950 towns and cities across more than 40 countries participated. With more joining every year, the campaign is widely recognised as a driving force towards sustainable urban mobility in Europe and beyond.

At EU level, it is the Urban Mobility Framework that strives to improve the quality of life of the EU urban population by addressing urban mobility challenges and by increasing the share of sustainable transport modes.
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