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Evropská komise: Úvodní proslov předsedkyně von der Leyen na Globálním summitu obnovitelných zdrojů

24. září 2024 | Evropská komise
Dear Michael, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, it all started with an idea in March 2023. It was the idea, or rather the vision, together with the International Energy Agency, of a global movement that would help us stay within 1.5 degrees Celsius and push the clean energy transition forward. So we proposed global targets to triple renewables, and double energy savings by 2030. Quantifiable targets, because only what gets measured gets done. At COP28, the world rallied behind this goal, thanks to a coalition of 135 countries and thanks to the leadership of a core group of motivated partners. I am happy to see many of them here today, dear Sultan Al Jaber as COP28 President, dear President Ruto and dear Prime Minister Mottley. Together, we succeeded in turning the idea into a common goal. It was one of these rare moments when the world felt united as one. It has even been called ‘the beginning of the end' of the fossil fuel era. Today, we must keep this spirit alive, the spirit of COP28. For this, we must double down on implementation, collectively, to reach these targets.

I see four areas of action. The first is planning. Governments should now integrate our global ambition in their national climate policies, showing how they intend to contribute to the global targets in the current decade. This is what we are doing in Europe. We raised our renewable energy target for 2030 to more than 42% of our mix. And we are getting there. In the first half of this year, 50% of all our electricity generation came from renewables. But we also know that the work is far from done.

This leads me to my second point: Improving the business environment. We must create the right incentives and conditions for clean energy tech to thrive. We all know what is needed, in Europe and globally. First, a solid regulatory framework, so that investments are safe and secure. Second, state of the art infrastructure, and faster permitting procedures. Third lead markets that create demand for sustainable products, services and technologies. And finally, the right skills to match the demand. We must work on all these priorities at once. This is what I have set to do with my new Commission 2024-2029, and we are ready to work on this with our international partners.

My third point is on access and supply of critical raw materials. Working towards our targets will increase the demand for these minerals and we must make sure that sourcing and mining are done in a way that benefits all. This is why the Secretary-General's Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals has my full support. As co-chairs of the panels, we will continue working for robust supply chains, that are transparent and fair throughout.

My final point is on investments. The clean energy transition requires massive investments, everywhere in the world. This is especially true of countries and regions where there is a lack of affordable capital and where costs are so high that it is an obstacle to electrification. Public finance will play a critical role in pushing the clean energy transition forward. Europe will keep doing its fair share.

In 2022, with our Global Gateway investment strategy, Team Europe mobilised EUR 28 billion in public funding to support emerging countries in reducing emissions and adapt to climate change. We do not only provide grants. We also use European public funds to de-risk investments and have a multiplier effect. But it is clear that public funding will not be enough to achieve our global goals. We need to start aligning all global financial flows with the Paris Agreement goals and this means mobilising private capital too. We can help with that. Because when we, as governments or international organisations, set global targets for renewables, we set the future course for businesses as well. When we develop de-risking instruments, we strengthen the business case for clean investments. And when we give public support to breakthrough innovation, we facilitate their uptake in the market. I am sure that representatives of the private sector are also ready to embark on this journey. So this is my call. Let us gear up towards COP29. It will be the place and time to showcase new projects that support our targets. Let us fill the Global Pledges with life.

Thank you.
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