"> Už se ví, kdo jsou finalisté Evropské ceny za Naturu 2000 ročníku 2018! Hlasujte pro svého favorita! -
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The EUROPARC Federation: Už se ví, kdo jsou finalisté Evropské ceny za Naturu 2000 ročníku 2018! Hlasujte pro svého favorita!

The European Commission's Natura 2000 Award recognises the time, dedication and efforts Europeans invested in nature protection within the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. The Award aims to raise awareness about Natura 2000 and the role it plays for safeguarding our natural heritage and in promoting social and economic wellbeing.

Twenty-five finalists have been selected out of seventy-five eligible applications from across the EU. The selected finalists are from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxemburg, Poland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom. They include several cross-border projects, involving also Turkey, and an EU-wide project.

Reacting to the announcement, Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries said:
"I am delighted to see so many excellent achievements in protecting our European natural heritage. They clearly demonstrate the value that nature provides to Europe's economy and how our nature is at the heart of our culture. Vote now and give these remarkable achievements the recognition they deserve!"

The finalists in five categories - Conservation, Socio-Economic Benefits, Communication, Reconciling Interests/Perceptions, and Cross-Border Cooperation and Networking - will now be assessed by an independent jury.
Everyone is invited to vote for his or her favourite finalist to win the European Citizens' Award. Online voting closes on 22 April 2018.

N2000 European Citizens' Awards - Vote Now! -

The winners will be announced at a ceremony hosted by Commissioner Vella in Brussels on Thursday 17 May 2018. The event is open to the press and the public. Please register online if you wish to attend.

The ceremony can also be watched online on the Natura 2000 website.

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