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Klub ELS-ED v EP: Energetické a klimatické návrhy: ELS-ED podporuje ambiciózní a dosažitelné cíle

22. ledna 2008 | Klub ELS-ED v EP, tel: +32 497 028 054
"The EPP-ED Group is in favour of ambitious and binding climate change targets, on the condition that the economic impact and specific nature of each European Member State is taken into account", said Marianne Thyssen MEP, Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP-ED Group and Member of the Climate Change Committee, looking ahead to the European Commission's Energy and Climate Package which will be published tomorrow.

Thyssen continued: "It is paramount that worldwide, the European Union takes on a leading role in fighting global warming. Therefore the so-called '20-20-20' targets* which were established at the European Council in March 2007 need to be converted into concrete policy measures as soon as possible. However, it is clear that each Member State has a different geographic, demographic and economic reality which we need to take into account when fixing national objectives. The EPP-ED Group is therefore in favour of a differentiated approach, as agreed during the Spring Council. European energy and climate policy should not be blind to economic reality. Energy safety and jobs also remain priorities for us."

Marianne Thyssen underlined that this pragmatic approach does not stand in the way of ambition: "It is clear that all European Member States will need to make efforts to achieve the targets that we agreed upon. But we should bear in mind that the investments we make today will be to the advantage of all of us tomorrow."

Mrs Thyssen will lead the response to the Commission's proposals on climate change and energy at the special plenary session of the European Parliament on Wednesday 23 January.

The EPP-ED Group internet site contains a comprehensive file on the climate change proposals including a comment from Karl-Heinz Florenz MEP, European Parliament Rapporteur on the special Committee on Climate Change.

* By 2020, emissions in the EU need to be cut by 20%; renewable energy needs to form 20% of the total energy consumption and the share of bio fuels needs to increase to 10%.

For further information:
Marianne Thyssen MEP, Tel: +32-2-2845918
Greet Gysen, EPP-ED Press Service, Tel: +32-497-028054
, tel: 32 497 028 054
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