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Švédské předsednictví v Radě EU: Environmentální agenda švédského předsednictví byla představena ministrům životního prostředí EU

Sweden is ready to lead the work of the EU towards a new climate agreement in Copenhagen in December. This was the message from Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren on Thursday 25 June when he presented the Swedish Presidency priorities in the environment area at the EU environment ministers meeting in Luxembourg.

In his presentation to the EU environment ministers, Mr Carlgren emphasised the importance of the EU standing fast in its ambitions to reduce climate emissions by 30 per cent by 2020.
- The EU’s 30 per cent bid is our most important lever for getting other countries to undertake comparable emission reductions. As the country holding the Presidency, Sweden will press for other industrial countries and fast-growing economies to do their part. Unless they also make an effort we will not get a strong enough agreement on the climate in Copenhagen, says Mr Carlgren.

Mr Carlgren highlighted the hard work of the previous presidencies to lay the foundation for the pole position of the EU in the negotiations.

The Council meeting also reached agreement on a new integrated pollution prevention and control directive on industrial emissions from large plants.
- It is very gratifying that the Council succeeded in agreeing on a compromise that everyone supported. The directive will strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish basic industry, while drastically reducing deposition of acidifying substances in Sweden from the rest of Europe, says Mr Carlgren.

As incoming Council Chair, Mr Carlgren thanked the Czech Presidency, which was hosting its last meeting of environment ministers.
- The Czech Republic has had ambitious priorities in the area of the environment and applied them well. The comprehensive conclusions negotiated by the Czech Republic on the climate give Sweden an invaluable starting point for the autumn’s work. We have collaborated well at all levels during the past six months, says Mr Carlgren.

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