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Rakouské předsednictví EU: Ministr Pröll v Dubaji usiluje o aktivní přístup v chemické politice

Environment Minister Josef Pröll aims to pursue new, active approaches in the field of global chemicals policy. Following the agreement reached between the Council and the European Parliament on a regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases and a directive on the use of fluorinated gases in vehicle air conditioning systems as a result of his mediation, further steps on measures to reduce the dangers posed to health and the environment by chemicals are due to be adopted at the ICCM (International Conference on Chemicals Management) in Dubai. The ICCM will take place from 4 to 6 February. Austria will play an important role at the ICCM in Dubai, representing the EU in its role as Presidency and speaking and negotiating there on behalf of the Union. In the run-up to the conference, the EU's position was communicated and explained to the most important negotiating parties through the Green Diplomacy Network.

Approximately 80 Environment Ministers will be taking part in the conference, discussing topics such as energy and the environment, as well as tourism and the environment. Another issue on the agenda is to incorporate environmental concerns more firmly into the UN system. The Ministers are expected to give clear signals on the environmental aspects of international energy policy - in particular, on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency - as well as on the implementation of a global chemicals strategy (result of the International Conference on Chemicals Management which preceded the Forum of Ministers).

This specifically involves implementation of the SAICM (Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management), an instrument developed in the context of the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. The SAICM stipulates minimising the negative impact of chemicals by 2020. In this regard, many EU experts view the instrument as more than just a purely environmental theme since a number of aspects are affected. These include the role of industry, consumer protection, agriculture and development aid. Despite its voluntary nature, the instrument is accorded the utmost importance, given its planned adoption at ministerial level in February 2006. Furthermore, the establishment of its own secretariat, its own mechanism for monitoring progress and its own financing regime are planned.

SAICM will be adopted within the framework of the ICCM and is made up of three parts: a high-level declaration for the Ministers present in Dubai, an overarching political strategy and a global plan of action. The overarching political strategy involves - inter alia - setting out the in part completely different approaches of the USA and Europe in a policy document. The global plan of action forms the basis for the actual implementation of the strategy. By way of example, measures relating to hazardous chemicals are clearly defined in this action plan.

Together with Switzerland and Norway, the EU has drafted the “Quick Start Programme” which is designed to co-ordinate the projects pertaining to the implementation of SAICM, and also has its own budget from which such projects are to be financed in developing countries for a five-year period.

The 9th Special Session of the Governing Council of the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) will take place in Dubai from 6 to 9 February, alongside the Global Ministerial Environment Forum. As part of the conference, Austria will jointly organise with UNIDO (United Nations International Development Organisation) a side event on chemicals leasing, which will be opened by Minister Pröll and UNIDO’s new Director-General, Kandeh Yumkella, and will put forward a programme on improved chemicals management developed by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management together with UNIDO.

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