Julian Scola "> PES vzkazuje vládám a byznysu: nezapomínejte na ceny energií - Ekolist.cz
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Strana evropských socialistů: PES vzkazuje vládám a byznysu: nezapomínejte na ceny energií

22. ledna 2008 | Strana evropských socialistů
Autor: Julian Scola, tel: +32 486 117 394
Commenting on the climate and energy package due to be presented tomorrow by the European Commission, PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen said “The package demonstrates that Europe is serious about ambitious climate policies. It is the most important issue to come to the Parliament and Council since the Treaty was resolved, and perhaps the biggest decision for Europe before next year’s elections.”

“The PES strongly supports binding targets for renewable energy and an extension of the Emissions Trading Scheme. All Europe’s socialist, social democratic and labour parties have signed up together to ambitious goals on CO2 reduction, clean energy and energy efficiency.”

“I urge governments not to lose sight of the need to approve this package while getting the details rights. We must keep our eyes on the energy and climate prize. It is clear there is still work to be done. In a package as big and ambitious as this, disputes on issues such as the fairness of Member States’ burden are inevitable - but they must not derail the whole process. Likewise, there is a need to put in place a well-managed transition from unsustainable jobs to the jobs of the future.”

“Government and business must keep in mind the long-term benefits and jobs that will be created by investing in renewable energies. So let’s get the details right, make sure industrial change is properly managed, and take a big step towards improving our energy security and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. It’s urgent that we do so.”
Julian Scola, tel: 32 486 117 394
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