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European Pirate Party: Pirátská strana v Čské republice vstupuje do vlády

16. listopadu 2021 | European Pirate Party
The Czech Pirate Party will participate in the new forming government in the Czech Republic. More than 82% of voting members (888 out of 1082) have agreed with the coalition agreement in yesterday’s party referendum. The Czech Pirates are the first Pirate Party ever joining a regular government. In the European Parliament, they are part of the Greens/EFA Group and in the new government they will be responsible for three sections: the Ministry or Regional Development and Digitization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Government’s Legislative Council.

Marcel Kolaja, MEP, Czech Vice-President of the European Parliament, comments:
“Among our priorities will surely be digitization. Also, we will actively work on a transparent and effective system for distribution of European subsidies as well as meaningful and efficient use of European funds. In international politics, we want to return to value-oriented foreign policy in line with Václav Havel’s legacy. Last but not least, the Czech Pirates will put a strong focus on science, research, and innovation.

Markéta Gregorová, MEP, comments:
“It’s a big commitment not only for Pirate Party members but also for the 840.000 voters who voted in general elections for our coalition with Mayors and Independents. Our government is awaiting presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2022 which we consider a big opportunity and responsibility for which we have to be fully prepared.”

Mikuláš Peksa, MEP, chairperson of the European Pirates, comments:
“It is crucial that the new coalition agreement considers Green Deal as an opportunity to significantly modernize the Czech economy and increase the quality of life by investing in the sustainable development of clean and renewable resources and using the circular economy. It will be also our role to watch over keeping this promise as well as the compliance with our international commitments regarding environment.”

The full coalition is to be made of two political alliances that won the majority of votes in last month’s Parliamentary elections. A three-party, liberal-conservative SPOLU (Together) coalition is composed of the Civic Democratic Party, Christian Democrats, and the TOP 09 party. They signed an agreement with a coalition made up of the Pirate Party (Greens/EFA) and STAN which came third in national elections with 15.6% of votes. The new partnership will hold a 108-seat majority in the 200-seat lower chamber of the Parliament and will form an 18-member government.

For further details and media inquiries please contact:
Nikolaus Riss for German and English +436769694000
Tomáš Polák for Czech and English +420728035059
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