zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

ELS-ED: Podzemní vody: Nebezpečí vzniku byrokratického monstra je zažehnáno

28. dubna 2005 | ELS-ED, tel: +32 228 320 02, +32 478 215 372
The protection of groundwater should be subject to EU minimum criteria. This is the result of today's vote in the European Parliament on the groundwater directive. "Precaution has got to be a cross-border principle. We are talking about our most precious resource and the future of our children", the European Parliament's rapporteur, Christa Klass (EPP-ED/CDU), said.

The aim of the directive is the protection of clean groundwater. It wants to identify cases of pollution as quickly as possible, so that necessary measures can be implemented. The directive also establishes criteria demanding at what point counter measures have to be taken. "Once groundwater is polluted, it is enormously difficult and very costly to bring it back to drinking water quality", the Member of European Parliament said.

Klass regretted that the plenary voted against Europe-wide limits for the most important harmful substances and indicators by a narrow margin. "Ecological dumping and unfair competition for agriculture and industry could have been avoided," she said. A motion by the social democrats, the Greens, and the far left on wide-ranging lists of analyses and duties to report did not find a majority. "This is good news for towns and cities. This would not have achieved a greater protection of the groundwater. On the contrary, had the motion gone through, we would have been left with bloated municipal administrations. We can now achieve our aim with less bureaucracy", the Member of European Parliament said.

The directive on groundwater protection is linked to the water framework directive. Both directives are to replace the old groundwater directive of 1980, which will expire in 2013. "The new directive will offer at least the same level of protection as the old directive", Klass said.

After today's vote in the plenary the Council will vote on the dossier. If there is no agreement between European Parliament and the Council after two readings, the dossier will have to be negotiated in the conciliation procedure.

For more information:
Office of Christa Klass, MEP, Tel. +32 2 2847313
EPP-ED press service, Thomas Bickl, Tel. +32 2 2832002 or +32 478 215372
, tel: 32 228 320 02, 32 478 215 372
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