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Rakouské předsednictví EU: UNIDO a Rakousko navrhly chemický leasing

As part of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) held in Dubai from 4 to 6 February, the Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Kandeh K. Yumkella, and the Austrian Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Josef Pröll, opened the side-event “Chemical leasing and cleaner production: a global win-win strategy for risk management and SAICM”.

In his opening speech, Mr Yumkella confirmed that UNIDO was developing and adopting new, environmentally friendly integrated services. He said that chemical leasing in the form developed and applied in Austria was part of these services. Mr Yumkella also thanked Austria for helping UNIDO promote sustainable chemicals management.

Last year, UNIDO and the Austrian Environment Ministry together made efforts to promote chemical leasing in developing and reform countries. Chemical-leasing projects are currently being implemented in Egypt, Mexico and Russia. UNIDO’s Cleaner Production programme is now being carried out in 40 countries, and plans are being made to introduce the project in other countries. At present, UNIDO is developing further standardisation instruments, including model contracts, a partner database and implementation guidelines.

Austria’s experience in this field shows that chemical leasing reduces the inefficient use and excessive consumption of chemicals and, as a result, companies can increase their productivity.

People from industry and quality assurance attended the event, during which strategies for the global application of chemical leasing and its incorporation into the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) were discussed. Representatives from BiPRO, the Dow Chemical Company, TÜV SUD, Pero, Coatech and UNIDO presented results from chemical-leasing projects and exchanged their experience with cleaner production.

Chemical leasing is a new type of instrument designed to promote sustainable chemicals management and respond to global changes in chemicals policy. With this business model, the chemicals are not sold to the customer; they remain the property of the seller, who processes them after use and advises his customers

This amounts to opting for a service-oriented and value-added approach instead of merely increasing turnover. The benefit to the parties involved no longer lies in the sale of chemicals; but in the sale of chemicals-related services and know-how. Chemical leasing and cleaner production increase the efficiency of cooperating companies, while at the same time the risks associated with chemicals are alleviated and human health protected.

At the ICCM, the worldwide production, supply, storage, use and disposal of chemicals was examined and the Dubai Declaration on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management adopted.

UNIDO is a special United Nations organisation which concentrates its efforts on relieving poverty by fostering productivity growth. It supports developing and reform countries in their fight against marginalisation in today’s globalised world and disseminates knowledge, skills, information and technology in order to promote productive employment, a competitive economy and a healthy environment.

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