Ella Behlyarova "> Na půdě EHK OSN se sejdou environmentalisté se vzdělavateli kvůli výchově k udržitelnému rozvoji - Ekolist.cz
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EHK OSN: Na půdě EHK OSN se sejdou environmentalisté se vzdělavateli kvůli výchově k udržitelnému rozvoji

17. února 2004 | EHK OSN
Autor: Ella Behlyarova, tel: +410 229 172 376
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will host the first regional meeting on education for sustainable development in Geneva on 19-20 February in view of the upcoming United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which will start in 2005.

Education for sustainable development is intended to develop and strengthen the capacity of individuals and societies to make judgments and choices in favour of sustainability. In particular, it helps to guide everyday consumer choices and lifestyles (transport, waste, etc.). It can promote a shift in people’s mindsets and in so doing enable them to make this world safer, healthier and more prosperous.

The UNECE meeting is expected to start hammering out a regional strategy for education for sustainable development. Such a strategy is expected to address a wide range of issues, including curricula, teaching materials, skills of educators, the importance of public awareness and the contribution of the media. The intention is to draft recommendations for all levels and all forms of education, including pre-school and continuing education.

The Russian Federation and Sweden are leading this process, which was decided upon by the Environment Ministers at the “Environment for Europe” Conference in Kiev in May 2003. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is also expected to contribute to this initiative, as are others with an interest in education and sustainable development.

The documents for this meeting have been posted on the Internet at: http://www.unece.org/env/welcome.html
Ella Behlyarova, tel: 410 229 172 376
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