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Klub ELS-ED v EP: REACH: Dohoda Rady EU o nové chemické legislativě je krokem vpřed, je ale třeba ji ještě vylepšit

13. prosince 2005 | Klub ELS-ED v EP, tel: 0032 475 721 280
Today the 25 EU Member States have reached an agreement on the new chemical legislation known as REACH (registration, evaluation, authorisation of chemicals). EPP-ED spokesperson Ria Oomen-Ruijten finds that the agreement needs to be improved.

Ria Oomen-Ruijten said: "The procedure for authorisation of chemical substances has been well dealt with. However we are not satisfied with the agreement on the registration of chemicals. The EU Member States have chosen another system to that proposed by the European Parliament. Parliament advocated an efficient and less bureaucratic system, however, the Member States opted for a more complicated system with more red tape."

"We will start with a profound analysis of the agreement reached by the EU ministers. I predict we will need a second reading in Parliament to get Council and Parliament to each the necessary consensus."decalred Ria Oomen-Ruijten.

Oomen-Ruijten continued: "The chemical industry is of vital importance to the EU. It is worth €440bn per year and 1.3 million people are employed in 27,000 companies. The new chemical regulation will restore confidence in the sector and in the use of chemical substances. To date, there is a lack of adequate information on the environmental and health impact of most of the chemicals used in industry today. Currently, around 40 European directives are governing the sector. As a result of the regulation, more than 30,000 substances, including their most important characteristics, will be registered at the European Chemical Agency within 11 years.
, tel: 0032 475 721 280
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