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Earth Day Network: Summit Earth Day Network o vodě 2005 dnes oficiálně začal v Izraeli

14. dubna 2005 | Earth Day Network
Israelis, Arabs and other ethnic groups put aside differences to discuss the future of water access in the region.

Jewish and Arab Israelis gathered today in Israel for the first ever Earth Day 2005 Summit. The unprecedented gathering, hosted by the Earth Day Network, will tackle the critical need for increased access to clean water for all citizens of Israel. Earth Day Network – the organization that supports Earth Day activities around the world each year – is a leader in international water issues, working with grassroots and multinational partners from around the globe to educate individuals, governments and corporations about the need to protect and increase access to fresh water supplies.

“Like most aspects of Israeli society,” said Jonah Schein, Middle East Coordinator at Earth Day Network, “the environmental movement is also highly factionalized. This makes it difficult to effectively respond to environmental threats that affect all citizens. This extraordinary summit will offer a way to change that dynamic.”

The summit is being held in Neve Shalom, the only fully integrated city in Israel, bringing Jewish-Israelis, Arab-Israelis and members of other ethic groups, such as Druids and Bedouins, to the table, many for the first time. It is being hailed as a historic step in bridging ethnic and cultural barriers in Israel. Organizers believe the event has opened a dialogue and the creation of partnerships among groups that have never worked together before now, giving them a common goal and purpose – water access – that moves beyond the religious and politic conflicts in the highly polarized country.

“Without access to safe, clean water, the health of our children and our communities is untenable,” said Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network. “The international community has begun to acknowledge the need to work together to ensure access to sustainable water supplies for all people. This summit is the first step toward doing this in the Middle East.”

ABOUT EARTH DAY NETWORK: Earth Day Network was founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970 and promotes environmental citizenship and year round progressive action worldwide. Earth Day Network’s global network reaches more than 12,000 organizations in 174 countries. Earth Day is celebrated by more than half a billion people each year making it the largest secular holiday in the world. April 22, 2005 marks the 35th anniversary of Earth Day.
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