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Green Party: Britští Zelení oslavují nejlepší volební výsledky v historii

6. května 2005 | Green Party
Highest General Election vote share and big County wins.

Green General Election headlines:

- 22 % in Brighton Pavillion - 18% increase in Green vote share - Green vote doubles in target constituencies - 3.4% of the vote, on average, in seats where the Party stood - A final tally of 283,084 votes

Greens are celebrating their best ever general election result, after increasing their vote share in most of the seats that they contested.

The Party's vote share was doubled in the target constituencies of Brighton Pavilion, Norwich South, and Lewisham Deptford.

Green Party Principal Speaker Councillor Keith Taylor, who gained 22% of the vote in Brighton Pavilion, narrowly missing out on second place from the Tories by just 1.9%, comments: "This amazing result, achieved despite the grossly unfair first-past-the-post system of voting, is proof that people are rejecting mainstream "pollute and privatise" politics and turning to the Greens as the only principled alternative.

He continues: "Where Green councillors were standing in this election, in Lewisham Deptford, Brighton, and Norwich South, we doubled our vote share. The message is clear, Greens are radical, electable and effective and where they are in office, people want more."

He concludes: "This fantastic general election result builds on our successes locally and in Europe, and proves that Greens are getting stronger with every election."

Green Local election results:

In the local elections, the Greens have made a net gain of 6 seats in the often larger, and therefore more difficult to win, County Divisions. 8 County seats have been won overall and none lost. Oxford Green Party now holds 12 seats, 7 on Oxford City Council and 5 on Oxfordshire County Council.
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