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Friends of the Earth Europe: Ekologické NNO vítají závazky na vyčištění Středozemí do roku 2020

21. prosince 2005 | Friends of the Earth Europe
The environmental NGO coalition - * (CdS)- an alliance of seven regional networks focusing on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership has welcomed commitments on cleaning up the Mediterranean by 2020 - the so called Horizon 2020 depollution initiative, endorsed by Mediterranean Heads of State and governments in Barcelona on November 29. Presenting the CdS position, Friends of the Earth Mednet coordinator Mr. Eugene Clancy said, "EuroMed environmental NGOs will actively contribute to the 2020 initiative and we have expressed our initial positions to Commissioner Dimas and Spanish Minister of the Environment Mrs Cristina Narbona Ruiz at the High Level Environment meeting on December 19 in Barcelona on the depollution initiative".

The Comité de Suivi feels that the cleaning up of the Mediterranean is an important piece of the jigsaw that we need to piece together to deliver sustainable development in the Mediterranean. It should also help to deliver some important goals of the thematic fields of action of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development* (MSSD), which was endorsed by Mediterranean Heads of State and Government in Barcelona on November 28. Mr Clancy said, "This Euromed initiative on Mediterranean de-pollution should support, enhance and complement relevant actions already agreed within the framework of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols and be in line with the objectives of the Mediterranean Strategy For Sustainable Development."

At the same time the 2020 initiative has to be coherent with the EU Marine Strategy and be operationally linked also with the National Strategies for Sustainable Development of the Mediterranean countries. Mr. Clancy added, "A precise Horizon-2020 roadmap planning the implementation of the horizon initiative needs to be formulated, establishing clear links with existing mechanisms, policies and strategies, clearly defining stakeholder processes, institutional responsibilities, as well as stating precise objectives, targets, deadlines and means."

The financial implications of depolluting the Mediterranean are formidable, so a clear strategy needs to be in place to mobilise the necessary funds. In this respect the new European Neighbourhood and partnership Instrument will have an important role to play as well as the European Investment Bank and eventually other bodies.

On the issue of participation and contributions to the 2020 initiative, we NGOs advocate that effective implementation requires the active participation of all stakeholders and actors. All the actors in the Mediterranean should recognise their common but differentiated responsibility vis á vis the Horizon-2020 initiative. Mr Clancy declared, "the environmental NGO community is eager and willing to play its role in the planning and implementation of the 2020 initiative provided that the legal framework(s) and the necessary funds are in place. At the same time we call on all the other actors and in particular the EuroMediterranean partners to demonstrate in word and deed their commitment to achieving depollution of the Mediterranean by 2020".


Mr. Eugene Clancy, Friends of the Earth MEDNET co-coordinator,
Telephone. +34 647089778 or +34 965 652 932


* Members of the Comite de Suivi are: Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED), Environment and Development Action in the Third World (ENDA), European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Friends of the Earth (FoE/MedNet Programme), Mediterranean NGO Network for Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDForum), Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), World Wide Fund for Nature Mediterranean Programme (WWF/MEDPO)

* The Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development, was drafted by the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development, an advisory body of the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP). ( The MAP services the Barcelona Convention 1976 and its Protocols. The MSSD was formally adopted at 14 th conference of the Barcelona Convention in Portoroz, Slovenia (8-11 November, 2005) . The text is posted on the MAP website:
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