Alexandre Chadine "> Fórum pro energetickou bezpečnost EHK OSN: Zasedání na nejvyšší úrovni na téma energetické bezpečnosti v oblasti Kaspického moře -
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EHK OSN: Fórum pro energetickou bezpečnost EHK OSN: Zasedání na nejvyšší úrovni na téma energetické bezpečnosti v oblasti Kaspického moře

31. května 2005 | EHK OSN
Autor: Alexandre Chadine, tel: + 41 022 917 2451
As new energy security threats emerge amid the continuing volatility of rising oil prices, the countries of the Caspian Sea region are of growing interest to energy importing countries and energy industries in the UNECE region. To meet these challenging developments, the UNECE Energy Security Forum has decided to hold in Geneva, on 28 June 2005, a High-level Meeting on Energy Security in the Caspian Sea Region to consider the role of this region in enhancing global energy security.

The meeting will begin with presentations from high-level representatives of countries of the Caspian Sea region who will deliver national policy statements, reflecting the role of the Caspian Sea region in the global context. Senior officials considering their participation in this event include Mr. Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation; Mr. Medjid Kerimov, Minister of Fuel and Energy of Azerbaijan as well as other confirmed speakers. This session will be followed by presentations and a debate on energy security risks between senior executives of the energy industries and the financial community and delegates to the intergovernmental UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy.

The high-level meeting is intended to show how countries of the Caspian Sea region can contribute to the mitigation of global energy security risks. It will explore how the international energy community could help in the development of the oil and gas potential of the Caspian Sea region and how these resources can be brought to world markets. The meeting seeks recommendations on how international trade and cooperation through the UNECE can contribute to enhancing the stability of the global energy market and energy security risk mitigation.

In November 2003, the Energy Security Forum was launched in response to rising concerns about the energy import dependence of UNECE member States, continuing tensions in the Middle East and potential terrorist attacks on energy supply routes. The Energy Security Forum is designed to promote a dialogue for reconciling three different points of view: energy security risks as perceived by the energy industry, financial institutions and governments. The aim is to mitigate energy market instability and its negative impact on the global economy through a high-level dialogue within the United Nations among governments, the energy sector and the financial community.
Alexandre Chadine, tel: 41 022 917 2451
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