zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

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Klub ELS-ED v EP: ITER je šance pro naši budoucnost

28. června 2005 | Klub ELS-ED v EP, tel: +32 475 790 021
"Today's agreement to build the ITER project in Cadarache is an important milestone for Europe. It is not only the energy sector that will benefit from this decision: I expect ITER to also boost widespread positive consequences in areas like nanotechnology or material research. ITER will hugely benefit our Lisbon goals, creating more jobs, more research and more global competitiveness", said today Paul Rübig MEP (A), EPP-ED spokesman in the Committee on Industry, Technology, Research and Energy (ITRE) of the European Parliament.

"By hosting ITER, the EU will maintain its position at the forefront of research and development, not only in the energy sector. The existence of such a cutting edge research facility in the EU will have considerable benefits for EU industry", said Rübig. The Austrian EPP-ED Member stressed particularly the positive chances for new jobs in Europe. "It is by no means an overestimation if we were to expect up to 100.000 new jobs in the European Union. As the ITER Agreement, once finalised, will be open for co-operation with other countries who have demonstrated a capacity for specific technologies and knowledge and are ready to contribute to the project, we can expect a booming supply industry around the ITER project", underlined Rübig.

"Now that this issue of the project site has been successfully resolved, the technical work can be carried out to finalise the agreement. I hope that it will be possible for all parties to initial the text of the agreement by the end of this year, thereby allowing for the start of construction by the end of 2005", said Rübig.

Parliament's ITRE Committee had already insisted several times that the ITER project shall have to work closely together with all relevant universities and scientific institutions in Europe. "We want the research results of ITER to be spread as quickly as possible. It is not only the huge companies that should profit from ITER's expected success. We want especially the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to be able to reap the profits from this global research project", concluded Rübig.
, tel: 32 475 790 021
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