zprávy o přírodě, životním prostředí a ekologii

Tiskové zprávy

Tisková služba prezidenta Juščenka: Juščenko povede mnohostranné rozhovory o dokončení ropovodu Oděsa-Brody-Gdaňsk

Ukraine inspires holding multilateral talks on completing the construction of the Odesa-Brody-Gdansk pipeline, has reported Victor Yushchenko today’s news conference in Warsaw.

According to the Ukrainian President, this is “ a rational project, one of the most important over the last 10 years on the continent.” The main problem, Yushchenko has reported, is an “excessive politicization” preventing this project from working at full power. “Presently the Ukrainian part has given up the political aspect of the project and starts from the fact that it is rational,” has stated Ukrainian President.

Victor Yushchenko is convinced the point is to “spare no effort to coordinate the parties concerned in carrying out this project.” President has reported Ukraine initiates holding the joint conference to be attended by all parties concerned – Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the USA. “We should arrive at the logic of common actions,” Yushchenko has said.

Aleksander Kwasniewski, in his turn, has noted that Poland takes great interest in this venture and he expects that during the talks between Victor Yushchenko and Marek Belka “the parties will draw up a plan of action and answer the questions that have not been raised before.”
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