Meena Raghunathan "> Mezinárodní konference "Vzdělávání k udržitelné budoucnosti" -
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Centre for Environmental Education India: Mezinárodní konference "Vzdělávání k udržitelné budoucnosti"

13. července 2004 | Centre for Environmental Education India
Autor: Meena Raghunathan, tel: +917 926 858 002
International Conference –‘Education for a Sustainable Future’ (ESF), 20 January, 2005, CEE, Ahmedabad, India.

Centre for Environment Education (CEE India) in partnership with Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) and Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, is organizing an International Conference on Education for a Sustainable Future. This is an occasion to mark the beginning of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) and to share CEE’s twenty years experience in EE and ESD.

CEE India is a national institution engaged in developing programmes and materials to increase awareness about the environment. CEE was established in 1984 as a Centre of Excellence in Environmental Education, supported by the MoEF, Government of India. It is affiliated to the Nehru Foundation for Development.

In 2004, CEE completes two decades of working to improve the quality of the environment and the quality of life, through educational initiatives. Over this period, CEE has developed innovative programmes and educational material, undertaken capacity building and training programmes, set up demonstration projects in education, communication and development, etc. to promote the process of sustainable development in the country.

‘Education for a Sustainable Future’ is planned as a forum for the international community of those involved in education and communication to meet and to share experiences and learnings in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

The forum will help to:
* Share the understanding, current status and needs of ESD.
* Showcase best practices for ESD from different parts of the world.
* Strengthen networking and active participation of all stakeholders for ESD for the next decade.
* Develop a strategy and blueprint of action for the Decade, including India’s strategy and its role in the Decade.
* Work towards developing guiding principles, roadmaps and priorities for Education for Sustainable Development in the Decade.
* Several thematic workshops focussing on Education for a Sustainable Future will be a part of the conference. An exhibition will also be organized during the conference.

We look forward to the participation of your organization and yourself in the Conference. Registration form and other details about the Conference are available on our website You may want to coincide some of your meetings with the Conference, as this will be an opportunity to involve a large community of environmental educators.

For further details, please contact the ESF Secretariat:
ESF Secretariat, Centre for Environment Education, Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT, INDIA – 380054, Tel: +91 79 26858002; Fax: +91 79 26858010, e-mail: or visit our website
Meena Raghunathan, tel: 917 926 858 002
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