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Earth Day Network: Ochránci životního prostředí po celém světě se chystají na důstojné oslavy 35. výročí Dne Země

12. dubna 2005 | Earth Day Network
Environmentalists around the world are preparing to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2005. Earth Day Network, founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day and the organization that supports Earth Day events around the world each year, is leading the celebration through a series of events, campaigns and activities focused on the international theme of “Protect Our Children and Our Future.”

“The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, brought together more than 20 million people,” said Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network. “People came together from all walks of life to demand a cleaner, healthier and safer world for themselves and their children. While progress has been made, many of those problems still exist, especially among children, the poor and other vulnerable populations. On this important anniversary we are bringing people together to focus on those environmental concerns that threaten the environment our children are growing up in.”

Earth Day Network and their partners around the world are planning events that will draw world attention to problems such as poverty, environmental degradation, chronic diseases among children such as asthma, and other environmental health issues such as polluted air in inner city neighborhoods and the lack of clean drinking water.

Earth Day events include the first environmental rally in Kiev, Ukraine, where leaders of the new democratic government will address more than 250,000 citizens, and a series of events throughout the U.S. focused on air and water pollution in inner city communities. Earth Day Network is also working to expand civic action in China and South America and is leading a conference on water sustainability in Israel that is bringing together historically opposed ethnic groups to work together on water issues in the region.

“For 35 years Earth Day has been an incredibly powerful event around the world helping to bring people together to work on the issues that affect their day to day lives,” said Rogers. “Millions of people have used Earth Day to help build democracy, create partnerships and strengthen their commitment to work together to make the world a better place. This year we will celebrate the commitment and accomplishments of the past 35 years and look forward to the work that still needs to be done.”

For more information about Earth Day events around the world, go to
If would like to request an interview please contact Mary Nemick 202-518-0044.

Earth Day Network was founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970 to promote environmental citizenship and year round progressive action worldwide. Our mission is to build broad-based citizen support for sound, workable and effective environmental and sustainable development policies. Earth Day Network’s global network reaches more than 12,000 organizations in 174 countries. As a result, Earth Day is the celebrated by more than a half billion people every year.
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